Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Climate Change: challenges and solutions - week one

I've signed up for my first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), it's called "Climate Change: challenges and solutions" and it's run by the University of Exeter, not sure if it's too late to sign up now, but the page about it is here. The login is here.

It should take 2-3 hours per week for the next 8 weeks. It's funny how I'm reluctant to commit to just that small amount of time, but it being January and a time for new beginnings I feel I should at least give it a go, it's free after all (although there will be an opportunity to purchase a certificate of participation at the end apparently!).

So far it's a mixture of videos, links to web pages, and everyone signed into the system can make comments / have a discussion about the topics raised in the content. I'm not sure what I think about that, as I generally avoid the comments on web pages, and these just appear as a big list. Maybe as the weeks progress people will vote for the comments and the more popular ones will of genuine interest.

We're encouraged to be "reflective learners" and write about what we learn. I guess by reflecting we consolidate our knowledge. I'm not sure I consciously do a great amount of that in normal life, but again, this is about doing something different differently.

I've started following the course twitter account @ClimateExeter, and should use the hashtag #exClimate.

This is a list of the URLs outside of the FutureLearn environment that we're pointed at:

So far I'm familiar with most of the content, I'm wondering now if I could get hold of a physical copy of one of the IPCC assessment reports and give it a read it right the way through? Next challenge maybe!

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